About Quant UXA
About the Quantitative User Experience Association
The Quant UX Association is a registered nonprofit association in the United States as a charitable 501(c)(3) organization. Its nonprofit mission is to advance the science and practice of quantitative user experience research through educational events and publications.
The primary activities of the Quant UX Association are the annual conference, Quant UX Con, and online and in-person training classes offered by experts in Quant UX methods and related topics.
Quant UX Con will celebrate its 4th year in November 2025. Quant UX Con operates worldwide, around the clock in all time zones, with online presentations plus in-person gatherings. Quant UX Con is intended to be accessible and affordable for everyone interested worldwide. Student and scholarship tickets are available to anyone as needed.
The Quant UX Association also offers occasional training classes on quantitative research methods and topics. Classes occur online or in-person based on instructors' determination of suitability. Training classes are organized to be affordable, relative to industry standards.
To read about the history of Quant UX Con and the Quant UX Association, see a narrative history, The Origins of Quant UX Con.
Quant UX Association Board of Directors
Chris Chapman, PhD. Founder. R, Quant UX, Marketing author. 24 years @ Google, Microsoft, Amazon. Blog LinkedIn.
Kitty Xu, PhD. Cofounder and Vice President. Medium. Linkedin.
Fei Gao, PhD. Secretary. Linkedin.
Maria Cipollone, PhD. Board member. Linkedin.
Mario Callegaro, PhD. Board member. Linkedin.
Mackenzie Sunday, PhD. Treasurer. Linkedin.
Katie Wainwright, PhD. Board member. Linkedin.